New Newspaper (And More!)

4 09 2008

Hey, the new newspaper is out. Click the picture to view it without logging into CP!

Here are the Top Stories:

  • Stage Set For Special Scenery
  • Pretty In Prep
  • In Focus: Aqua Grabber
  • Caring for Puffles
  • Penguins Find Gold at the Games

Here are the Events:

September 5– Big Wigs Catalog, New Penguin Style Catalog

September 12- New Play at The Stage

September 19- New Better Igloos Catalog

Next Pin Hidden On: September 12

The Stage will be undergoing some renovating for the next play. It will be big, so I’m thinking it will be a brand new play, no sequel to an old one, that will include alot bigger Stage.

The Clothing Catalog and Big Wig Catalogs are tommorow. If you haven’t seen the sneak peek of the Catalog, Click HERE to see the post.


14 08 2008

Hey everyone, the newspaper is here and it made me bring in some new predictions.

The main articles:

  • Preparing For The Penguin Games
  • New Ship Igloo Arives – August 15th
  • Look Chic At The Gym
  • In Focus: The Plaza

First, I’ll talk about the Penguin Games. Rory and Rookie said that there will be a surprise at the ice rink and you have to play games for the items. From the looks of this picture,

it looks like this is the ice rink and it maybe a soccer field. They might also bring back the screboards from the 2006 Sports Party.

What I think the free items are going to be. Ice Skates (Old Item), Black Hockey Stick, Swimming Cap, and maybe a new Sweatband.

Over a year ago I sent CP an e-mail and they pretty much took my idea. This letter was sent August 1, 2007.

Date: Aug 1st, 2007 4:00 pm
Subject: ideas

Club Penguin,

You should have the CPO (club Penguin
olympics). The dojo would be a basketball court. The dock would have a running
track. The iceberg could be a golf green, the night club would be a gymnasium
and in the lighthouse would be a big torch. The free item would be running shoes
and a Club Penguin Olympics jersey. The?pin would be a gold medal. There would
be hurtles and hockey nets and stuff. It would be like a second sports party.


The new Pirate Igloo will look something like this.

Probly an upper deck with a lower deck, like a pirate themed Split Level Igloo.

The Sports Catalog will include some items I mentioned in the post below plus 90% likely the original headband. Red, White, Blue.

The Clothing Catalog on September 5th will be back to skool, with backpacks and things.

That’s about it so bye.

Sports Sneak Peek

14 08 2008

Hey, Billybob posted a sneak peek of the new sports catalog. Here it is.

The top 2 things are the red and blue football helmets, also probly the secret orange football helmet. The second thing is a volleyball or badminton net, probly a badminton net because they can have more items like a raquet and birdie. The pin predictions: Trophy, Medal, Boat.

Fun Page!

13 08 2008

Hey, if you haven’t checked out the Fun Page yet go look at this weeks theme. It’s the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I posted walpapers, screensavers, and info about this years games. Check it out at

Wanna know what next weeks theme is? Here’s a sneak peek.

Aqua Grabber Sneak Peek

2 08 2008

Hey, Tahooky here with a great new sneakpeek of the Aqua Grabber update!

Here is what Screenhog said:

Hi everyone.  Screenhog here.

In just a few days, the new Aqua Grabber level comes out. Below is an expanded image of the sneak peek Billybob posted last week. You’ll be able to play it next week.

Also, new stuff in the Penguin Style catalog is out today.  Go get yourself some great new pieces for your penguin wardrobe.

In other news: I really love music and hope you’ve been enjoying the big Music Jam ’08 party.  As you know, there are so many things that make it special.  So before it gets taken down on August 5th, I wanted to tell you about some of the cool things you might not know about yet:
  • Giant instruments at the Dojo
  • Icicles that sound like xylophones when you touch them in the Underground
  • Floor piano in the Underground Pool (try flipping the green switch when other penguins are on it)
  • Music stages that play only if someone is on them
  • Big stage that changes music each day
  • AND… The Dance Lounge:  Hit the green switch to change the big background.  Click it until you see the music notes.  See if you can figure out which game the music is from!
Until then…waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

I wonder what the shoe has to do with the update? Maybe if you wear it into the game something happens?
We’ll have to find out on August 5th, when the update is released. Waddle On!
PS: Today is the last day to find the Club Penguin Band, check backstage on all popular servers!

Music Jam Extended

30 07 2008

Hey, the music jam is extended until August 5th, so they might come out with a new item. I sent an email about them bringing Franky’s Red sneakers that would look like this.

They will probly make the band go around to servers again later so I’ll post any updates on that. A new sneak peek of the clothing catalog is out today. Click there -> Catalog Sneak Peek!