Music Jam Extended

30 07 2008

Hey, the music jam is extended until August 5th, so they might come out with a new item. I sent an email about them bringing Franky’s Red sneakers that would look like this.

They will probly make the band go around to servers again later so I’ll post any updates on that. A new sneak peek of the clothing catalog is out today. Click there -> Catalog Sneak Peek!

Music Jam 08

25 07 2008

Hey, the music festival is here and it is great. There are 2 items.

1. Pair Of Maracas: Cove

2. Music Festival Shirt: Plaza

There is also a shop at the Snowforts, Shirts Rock.

If you buy the Backstage pass and go to the VIP Room you get to go to the Backstage Area.

Inside you can buy instruments.

My favorite rooms are the Lighthouse, Nightclub, and Dojo.

The new game, DJ3K is out at the night club.

I think its kind of stupid, tell me what you think!

Also a sneak peek for a new level of a game is here.

Sneak Peek: New Game Level!


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