Rockhopper, Aqua Grabber And More!

11 08 2008

Hey, sorry I haven’t posted in a while, my friend that lives 8 hours away and I haven’t seen in a year came to visit for a week so i didn’t have much time to post.

Rockhopper came with 1free item, the Brown Pirate Boots! Finally some shoes!!

Click the Steering Wheel for the Life Ring (Furniture Item).

Aqua Grabber got 2 new levels, Clam Waters and Soda Seas, check them out by going to the iceberg!

There is a Scavenger Hunt to find the blueprints to the new interior of the Migrator. Here is the guide.

Boat #1: Mine

Boat #2: Cove

Boat #3: Coffee Shop

Boat #4: Beach

Boat #5: Pool

Boat #6: Pet Shop

Boat #7: Dock

Boat #8: Iceberg

Then to build the blueprints follow this guide.

Click Get Gift and get the Blueprints backround.

A new play at the Stage is up, Team Blue’s Rally 2.